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Troubleshooting Ineffective Capsicum Plaster

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 11 14,2023

If your capsicum plaster doesn't seem to be working, try these troubleshooting tips:

01. Ensure Proper Placement

Target painful trigger points precisely. If misplaced, the capsaicin won't reach the right nerves.

02. Improve Skin Adhesion

Make sure the skin is clean and hair-free so the plaster sticks tightly. Press firmly when applying.

03. Try a Higher Capsaicin Percentage

If your pain is severe, a 0.075% or 0.1% formulation may work better than lower doses.

04. Give it More Time

Relief onset ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Wait the full duration before assessing effectiveness.

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05. Use During Pain Flare-ups

It works best when pain receptors are already active. Using it between episodes may not provide relief.

06. Consider Combination Therapy

Pair with oral pain relievers or anti-inflammatories for a synergistic effect.

07. Rule Out Contraindications

Capsaicin won't work well for certain types of pain or medical conditions. Consult your doctor.

08. Monitor for Tolerance

Over time and frequent use, nerve endings can become desensitized to capsaicin. Take a break for a few weeks.

With some troubleshooting, you can get capsicum plaster working optimally. If pain persists, see your healthcare provider to evaluate additional treatment options.