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Why Heat Patch Can't Be Used Next To Your Body

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 12 05,2022

01. Do not use the "heat patch" close to the body, otherwise it may cause burns

The "heat patch" is regarded as a must-have heating device for the new generation of households, but some netizens reported that this kind of heat patch can cause low-temperature burns to the body. Is it true? We invite experts to give you a professional answer.

02. The principle of low temperature burn

Experts explained that low-temperature burns usually refer to the result of long-term action of a heat source higher than the body temperature. The body temperature is about 37 degrees. Low temperature burns.

03. Heat accumulation of Heat Patch

Because heat patches, warm water bags and other heating products do not seem to be very hot, but they are in contact with the skin for a long time, forming heat accumulation.

From the superficial layer of the dermis to the deep layer of the dermis and subcutaneous tissues, there are progressive damages, with symptoms such as erythema and blisters on the surface. It seems that it is not serious, but in fact the whole layer of the skin and even the subcutaneous tissue may be damaged.
