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How To Use Pain Relief Patch Scientifically

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 12 02,2022

What are the precautions for using pain relief patch?

01. Pay attention to the correct application site

The application sites of Pain relief patch can be divided into three types: meridian points, affected areas and anatomical areas. Migraine can be applied to the temple, which is applied according to the meridian; bruises, various skin diseases, etc. are applied according to the affected area, where it hurts; Apply according to the anatomical site.

In addition, some pain relief patches must be attached to specific parts of the body surface. For example, the warm umbilical cream for children with cold accumulation abdominal pain must be attached to the navel.

Pharmacist reminds: It is not advisable to apply pain relief ointment all over the body or on a large area. Those with partial damage should not be directly pasted on the damaged part to avoid suppurative infection.

02. Know when to apply the pain relief patch

When muscle contusion or joint or ligament strain is accidentally caused during exercise or labor, do not stick the pain relief patch on the injured part immediately. Immediately after the injury, the local soft tissue will be congested and swollen, and the pain will be aggravated.

03. Master the time

Generally, a dose of pain relief patch should not exceed 24 hours at most.

04. If there is any discomfort, stop applying

If after applying the pain relief patch, you feel itching, burning, and stinging on the skin of the area where it was applied for about 10 minutes, please remove it immediately. Papules and blisters appear on the skin, and the itching is severe, which means that you are allergic to this pain relief patch, and you should stop applying it immediately.

05. Special populations should be cautious when using pain relief patch

All pain relief patches containing musk, frankincense, safflower, myrrh, peach kernel and other ingredients for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis should be banned by pregnant women. The navel, abdomen and lumbosacral region of pregnant women should not be used to avoid miscarriage.

Pain relief plasters are not the first choice for children, and the use of pain relief plasters may mask the condition. In addition, the pharmaceutical ingredients contained in some pain relief patches should not be used in children.

It is best for the elderly to find out the cause of the pain before choosing to use pain-relieving plasters. Blindly using pain-relieving plasters will delay the timing of diagnosis and treatment. When you find inexplicable pain in your body, don't be careless. You should go to the hospital for examination and treatment by professionals in time.

Comply with the properties of the pain relief patch, master the indications, and choose medicines according to the symptoms

The ingredients of some pain relief patches are capsicum liquid extract, belladonna liquid extract, peppermint oil, salicylic acid, camphor and other ingredients. The liquid extracts and oils are extracts of plants such as capsicum, belladonna, and peppermint.

This pain relief patch can relieve muscle spasms, dilate capillaries, improve local blood circulation, and accelerate the metabolism of pain-causing substances, thus acting as an analgesic. But it can only temporarily relieve pain symptoms, and cannot fundamentally solve the pain.

Zinc oxide has weak astringent, moisturizing and protective effects on the skin, as well as adsorption and drying functions. Zinc oxide ointment can be used for acute or subacute dermatitis, eczema, prickly heat and mild, small area skin ulcers.
