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The Principle Of Cooling Gel Patch Cooling And Master The Correct Way To Use It

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 12 30,2022

Fever is a common clinical condition in infants and young children. The brains of infants and young children are in the process of development, and high fever is not good for the development of children's brains. When a child has a fever, some parents will use some physical cooling methods, such as putting a Cooling gel patch on the child.

In recent years, Cooling gel patch has been favored by young parents. Almost everyone with children at home will prepare a few boxes. However, after using it, many people said that the effect is not so obvious. Besides physical problems, what causes it? There are even many parents who just follow the trend to buy, and don't understand the principle at all. Today, I will explain to you how to use it correctly.

01. Cooling gel patch is a physical cooling product that incorporates new technology

Its main working principle is to use the water vapor of the hydrogel to volatilize and take away the heat from the forehead for physical cooling. The cold feeling can relieve fever, toothache, sun exposure, pain and heat symptoms caused by muscle sprains caused by colds.

02. Composition of Cooling gel patch

Generally, water-soluble polymer peppermint oil and other external patches are prepared by mixing, refining, coating and other processes. It is the gel in the middle layer. The antipyretic gel is composed of menthol, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, water, ethanol, and high molecular substances (including glycerin).

03. Working principle of cooling gel patch

If the gel in the Cooling gel patch is zoomed in, it looks like a "horse's nest" with many holes, and there are a lot of volatile components hidden in these holes. When the Cooling gel patch is in close contact with the skin, the peppermint oil in the gel Substances such as water and water will penetrate into the skin, and through the vaporization of water in the gel and the cooling properties of plant extracts, excess heat in the body will be taken out of the body, thereby achieving the effect of lowering body temperature.

04. How to use Cooling gel patch correctly?

Clean sweat and oil stains on the skin surface before use;

Tear off the transparent plastic film, and stick the frozen gel surface on the part to be frozen;

According to the area of the part to be used, it can be cut into an appropriate size before use;

In order to maintain hygiene and freezing effect, it needs to be used once;

Tear off the transparent adhesive film, and apply the adhesive surface on the forehead or temple, or on the Dazhui point on the neck. In order to speed up the cooling speed, several patches can be applied to the left and right carotid arteries and left and right femoral arteries at the same time.

05. How to choose Cooling gel patch

Judging by the cooling speed, cooling too fast or fluctuating high and low is not good for children's health. If the smell is strong, more flavors may be added, which may stimulate the skin and sense of smell of the child and affect the child's experience. Try to choose products with good reputation and good brand reputation in the market.

In addition, timely use of the Cooling gel patch when a child has a fever has a certain auxiliary effect, but it is not suitable for fever caused by all diseases. If the fever is caused by a viral cold or infection, seek medical attention in time.
