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Problems That Should Be Paid Attention To When Using Steam Eye Mask

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 01 02,2023

01. Can the steam eye mask be worn overnight?

I believe that friends who use steam eye masks know that, generally speaking, the continuous heating time of steam eye masks is 10-20 minutes, and a few products can reach 30 minutes.

After the heat of the steam eye mask subsides, it is no problem to wear it to sleep all night. Some friends also use it as a sleep mask, but to be honest, its effect is not as good as a professional sleep mask.

In addition, from the perspective of physiology and hygiene, steam eye masks are generally disposable products, almost all of which are self-heating products, so it is not recommended to use it as a sleep eye mask. There are no special circumstances, and it is not recommended to wear it directly to sleep at night.

02. What problems should be paid attention to when using eye masks.

Generally speaking, when we use it, we should pay attention to the following aspects:

1. Friends who wear makeup are recommended to remove makeup, and friends who wear contact lenses need to remove it before using it. This is very worth noting.

2. When opening the outer package, it is recommended to tear it open by hand. If you have to use scissors, you must pay attention to the size. Don't pay attention to where the opening is, and don't cut the eye mask.

3. For those with eye diseases, or temporary inflammation, or those with skin health problems around the eyes (such as swelling, eczema, etc.), it is recommended to suspend use.

4. Most steam eye masks are self-heating products, so the temperature control is not very precise. If you feel that the temperature is too high when using it, or your eyes feel uncomfortable, you should stop using it.
