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Effects of Herbal Slim Patch and OEM Service

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 05 19,2022

Herbal slim patch is mainly made of mugwort leaves, which are warm and hot in nature. Herbal slim patch on body acupuncture points can unblock the meridians and at the same time accumulate yang energy for the body, playing the role of warming the middle and dispersing cold, doing slim patch can correct the imbalance of yin and yang in the internal organs of the body, unblock the blocked meridians and have the effect of fixing the surface with the skin, using the surface to restrain toxins, using the meridians to pass through the organs, using the acupuncture points to expel evil, and helping to strengthen the body. It has the effect of strengthening the skin, restoring toxicity with the skin, opening up the organs with the meridians, expelling evil with the acupuncture points and strengthening the body.


01. Can Herbal slim patch help you lose weight?

The slim patch can increase the peristaltic function of the gastrointestinal tract, which can effectively improve constipation and eliminate the foul gas in the intestinal tract. The effect of this kind of weight loss is not very obvious.


02. Herbal slim patch can be applied every day?

Slim patch cannot be applied every day.


Herbal slim patch is a kind of moxibustion method, through the umbilical skin to absorb the energy of mugwort, to achieve a similar effect of moxibustion, mugwort is mild in nature, so Slim patch is suitable for people with a cold physique to use, can play a warming meridian and benefit Qi, dispel cold and dampness, promote the spleen and stomach transport function, but also accelerate the metabolism, eliminate water and dampness, to achieve the effect of weight loss and slimming.


The herbs in slim patch are all hot and pungent, so if they are applied every day, people will have symptoms of heat, such as hot hands and feet, insomnia, dry mouth, thirst, etc. Therefore, they cannot be applied every day.


03. Can Herbal slim patch be applied 24 hours a day?

It is recommended not to apply it 24 hours a day.

Slim patch generally paste 6-12 hours, paste 24 hours, then easy to burn the skin, and the effect is too strong, the body will not be able to suffer, the appropriate use of slim patch is appropriate, so that the warmth of moxa and the pharmacological effect of drugs concentrated on the acupuncture points, and through the stimulation of acupuncture points to stimulate the meridian qi, so as to mobilize the role of meridian regulation, enhance immune function, its moxibustion method can prevent disease health care It is good for health.


04. Can Herbal slim patch be used repeatedly?

It is recommended not to use it repeatedly.

The first time the slim patch is used, the active ingredients inside the slim patch have already been precipitated, after using it again, it will not achieve the purpose of health care, so it is recommended not to use it repeatedly, the price of a slim patch is not expensive, so you do not need to save it, the cost is still to be spent.



05. What are the side effects of Quick slim patch?

Quick slim patch usually has no side effects, the drugs in the slim patch enter the body circulation through the navel, stimulate the stomach and The drugs in the slim patch enter the body in the slim patch enter the body circulation through the navel, stimulate the stomach and intestines by massaging the navel points, and promote the body's However, this method is not suitable for anyone, in the process of use, some people often have Therefore, you must choose the slimming patch with better effect, such as kangdi's slimming patch: Belly Slim Patch, Guatana Slimming Patch, Magnetic Slimming Patch. We will also provide you with professional Slim Patch OEM Service.

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