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Effectiveness of Foot Patch|Best Quality Health Foot Patch OEM

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 05 19,2022

Humidity makes people more damp, and heavy dampness makes people feel tired, skin worse, constipation, back pain and so on. There are various kinds of foot patches on the market, claiming to remove moisture and detoxify the body, but how to choose the right one? Who should not use Health Foot Patch?


The digestive system is easily affected by dampness, the spleen and stomach are originally able to absorb and transport nutrients, but affected by humid weather or cold drinks or raw and cold food, which will cause the spleen to lose its health and digestive function, unable to eliminate excess water and metabolic waste, resulting in the accumulation of dampness in the body, resulting in various "damp" symptoms.



01. Excessive dampness in the body may result in the following symptoms

In order to get rid of moisture, there are a variety of Health Foot Patches on the market, most of which claim to be effective in removing moisture by putting them on before going to bed and tearing them off the next day. The main way to remove dampness is to sweat and urinate, and the principle of bamboo foot patch to remove dampness and detoxification is to permeate the skin through the medicine to sweat and disperse the dampness on the surface of the muscle (the superficial tissue of the body).


However, the effect of Health Foot Patch is not obvious, because the normal foot patch will sweat overnight, the ingredients in the foot patch usually produce biochemical effects when exposed to water or temperature changes and turn black. The result of the foot patch darkening mostly due to the absorption of sweat on the bottom of the feet, but not necessarily the body's moisture and toxins. Therefore, if the patch is applied to the area rich in sweat glands, such as the location of the armpit, the foot patch will also appear black effect, but only because of the chemical reaction.


02. How to buy Health Foot Patch?

There are many different types of toxin foot patches on the market, with different ingredients. (Photo) There are many different types of toxin foot patches on the market, with different ingredients. The common ingredients of toxin foot patches include bamboo vinegar, mugwort, bamboo charcoal, etc., all of which can remove moisture and detoxify the body. The principle of Detox foot pad is to penetrate and absorb the medicine through the skin, if the ingredients of the foot patch contain herbs that invigorate blood circulation, remove blood stasis, warm heat and detoxify the skin, it may help to remove moisture and detoxify the body.


03. Health Foot Patch Active Ingredients.

According to Chinese medicine, the foot is the second heart of a person and foot care is very important. It is recommended that the patch be applied to the soles of the feet as directed. The Yongquan point is the starting position of the kidney essence, so it can nourish the yin and nourish the kidney, and is also an important point for health, with the effect of calming the mind, nourishing the kidney and fixing the essence, and awakening the brain and opening the orifices. If the medicine in the foot patch is mild, it can be applied according to the instructions for about 6 to 8 hours, if there is any discomfort, then remove the foot patch immediately. Feet should not use Health Foot Patch, although the foot patch is not internal health care products, some people should not use the foot patch. - People who should not use the patch: people with allergies, diabetics, children, broken or rash skin on the feet - consult a physician before using the patch: people with extreme physical weakness or serious illness


04. Effectiveness of Health Foot Patch

If Health Foot Patch contains herbs to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis and warmth, the skin of the foot is thicker and requires longer time and stronger stimulation to achieve real effect, so the concentration of the medicine in the patch should be relatively higher, but there is a chance to stimulate the skin and may cause allergic reaction or blisters. The general public is difficult to pinpoint the amount and concentration of drugs, do not rule out allergic reactions after applying the patch, so she does not recommend homemade patch. The slimming detox foot patch is not the only way to get rid of wetness, appropriate exercise, walking and sweating, appropriate sun exposure to help the Yang Qi rise and improve the circulation of Qi and blood can also help remove wetness and detoxification. Daily should also avoid eating cold and fatty foods to avoid damaging the spleen and stomach.

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