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Can Pregnant Women Use Heat Patch During Breastfeeding?

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 11 18,2022

When the weather is too cold, people will also use the heat patch to help keep warm, and it can also help people with back pain to relieve symptoms. Although it has a wide range of uses, it is not suitable for everyone, so can pregnant women use it during breastfeeding?

The heat patch has the functions of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, warming menstrual flow and relieving pain, harmonizing qi and blood, and comprehensively regulating the female reproductive system. It can also be used by breastfeeding women.

01. Keep warm after childbirth

Generally, the hospital will send a heat patch to the postpartum woman, so that the mother can stick it on the abdomen to make it warm and comfortable, but it should not be directly attached to the skin, but should be attached to the clothes. The heat patch is very convenient to use, tear off the top layer of thin paper, and then stick it on the navel, outside the clothes, do not stick to the skin, then it will heat slowly, and it can last for more than 8 hours.

02. Leg cramps

Although the heat patch can be used during breastfeeding, it will generally not have much impact, but if the leg cramps are severe and the knee pain is severe, it is best to go to the hospital for relevant examinations to find out whether it is caused by rheumatic diseases, and keep warm at ordinary times. And don't hold your baby for a long time, you can apply hot compresses and warm feet to relieve symptoms.

03. Calcium deficiency causes waist and leg pain

Calcium deficiency may also cause pain and discomfort in the waist and legs during breastfeeding. In order to relieve the symptoms, heat patch can be used. But it is best to check, if it is calcium deficiency, it is best to add a little calcium, so that the symptoms can be better relieved.

Pregnant women, remember that although the heat patch is easy to use, you should also pay attention to avoid burns, and do not use it too frequently.
