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A Guide to Using Capsicum Plaster: Proper Usage and Precautions

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 11 23,2023

Also known as capsicum cream or chili plaster, capsicum plaster can be an effective remedy for relieving pain when used correctly. Here is a guide to using capsicum plaster properly and safely:

01. Choosing Your Plaster

Capsicum plasters are available in different capsaicin concentrations. Start with a lower 0.025-0.05% capsaicin plaster if new to avoid skin irritation. Only increase concentration gradually as tolerated.

02. Clean and Dry Skin

Wash and thoroughly dry your skin before application. Avoid using on wounds or broken skin as the peppers can cause a burning feeling. Also avoid sensitive areas like eyes, nose and mouth.

03. Apply Thinly

Apply the plaster thinly and evenly on the targeted area. Using too much can overload the skin with capsaicin leading to extreme burning. As a guide, an adult sized plaster should have enough cream to thinly cover the whole painful area.


04. Leave On For Short Periods

When starting out, only leave the capsicum plaster on for 10-30 minutes to minimize skin reactions. Slowly increase wearing time if you do not experience irritation or over-heating. Do not wear overnight.

05. Observe Skin Response

Check the skin after removing the plaster. Look out for blisters, hives and burns which signal an allergic reaction. Mild redness and warmth lasting less than an hour is normal. Seek medical help if symptoms persist or worsen.

06. Storage and Expiry

Store capsicum plaster in a cool, dry place away from moisture and sunlight which can degrade the capsaicin. Check and follow the expiry date for effectiveness and safety. The cream may oxidize and turn brown if expired.

Using capsicum plaster requires some caution. Consult a doctor first if you have skin conditions, are on medication, or are pregnant/nursing before using. Discontinue use if irritation occurs.