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What Is The Working Principle Of Medical Plaster

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 09 30,2022

What is the working principle of Medical plaster

Medical plaster is a preparation for transdermal administration. As an external drug, its effect is mainly through the penetration of internal components into the skin. The working principle of Medical plaster is mainly divided into two parts:

1. Principles of the drug

Medical plaster uses the principle of traditional Chinese medicine to return to the meridian and the effect of the coordination of medicines. It takes medicines with a thick smell, and introduces them to lead a group of medicines, so that they penetrate into the skin to produce anti-inflammatory, analgesic, blood-activating and stasis-relieving, Qi-nourishing, and clearing It has the functions of moving meridians, strengthening tendons and bones, relaxing tendons and activating collaterals, opening orifices and penetrating bones, expelling wind and dispelling cold, etc. 


In addition, Medical plaster used for thin sticking on the muscle surface can also stimulate nerve endings, through reflection, dilate blood vessels, and promote local blood Circulation, improving the nutrition of surrounding tissues, etc., to achieve the purpose of reducing swelling, anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

2. The principle of absorption

The reason why Medical plaster can be absorbed by the human body when it is attached to the skin is because the surface of the skin is not a single piece of iron, but has many pores. These pores are connected to the systemic circulation of the human body, so this is also a channel for medicine. 

The effective medicine in Medical plaster The substance is directly applied to the acupoints on the surface of the body, and the medicinal properties will penetrate into the subcutaneous tissue through the skin pores, and through the systemic circulation, it will directly reach the diseased place where the viscera and meridians are disordered, and play the role of the meridian and function of the drug.

From these principles, it can be seen that it is more effective to apply Medical plaster in summer, because the temperature is higher in summer, the skin is open and the pores are dilated, and the medicine is more likely to penetrate into the acupoints and meridians from the skin, and go directly to the diseased place through the meridian qi and blood.