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What Is The Effect Of Acupoint Application Of Medical Patch?

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 02 06,2023

01. Acupoint sticking therapy

Acupoint sticking therapy is a combination of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and drug conditioning therapy. In essence, it includes meridian acupoints and drug effects as a whole. It not only has the effect of drugs on acupoints, but also the effect of the drug itself, and is convenient, cheap and effective. The characteristics of small adverse reactions are very popular among the public. At the same time, it has the characteristic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine without injection or medicine. So what are the effects of acupoint application? How long does it take to apply? Let's see what the manufacturers of acupuncture point stickers Medical Patch say.

02. What are the effects of acupoints?

Acupoint application therapy is an important part of external therapy in traditional Chinese medicine. Relying on the meridian science of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal medicine is combined according to the formula. It can also make the medicine penetrate into the skin and continuously stimulate these acupoints. Through the regulation of the meridian, it penetrates the meridian , and run through the whole body through the meridians to warm yang and benefit qi, dispel the cold in the body, improve local blood circulation and promote the body's absorption of drugs, and can exert a strong medicinal effect. It can improve the body's righteousness, enhance immunity, and improve the functions of the spleen, stomach, lungs, kidneys and other systems.

03. How long does it take for acupoint application?

Determine the sticking time according to the characteristics of different medicines and your own physical condition. Under normal circumstances, the application time should be short for the elderly, children, mildly ill, and physically deficient. In case of skin allergies and pain, it should be removed immediately. The sticking time can also be judged according to the size of the irritation. Less irritating drugs are applied for 4 to 8 hours each time, and can be applied once every 1 to 3 days. For highly irritating drugs, the time is about 1-3 hours. If you need to apply again, you should wait for the local skin to return to normal before applying the medicine for too long.

04. KONGDY: A reliable medical patch manufacturer

Then, if you understand the relevant knowledge of acupoint application, you need to find the corresponding acupoint application OEM and acupoint medical patch processing manufacturers. When choosing these aspects, you should refer to, consult, observe and investigate. Look for manufacturers who maintain the same level of team experience and technical experience. If you have a good reputation in the industry as an OEM manufacturer of medical patches for acupoints, you have to introduce KONGDY, which focuses on acupoint application and OEM production. It has a high-quality customer service team and a good brand reputation. It is a reliable manufacturer of medical patches for acupoints.
