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What age baby is the Cooling gel patch suitable for?

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 12 14,2022

It can be used for more than 3 months, but the best way is to see a doctor. Cooling gel patches are more suitable for babies over 3 months old and under 12 years old. Use with caution under 3 months. Cooling gel patches are also divided according to age groups. Parents should carefully read the instructions of different Cooling gel patches and use them according to the instructions and doctor's advice.

1. The Cooling gel patch is a cooling product for external use. It will not destroy the immune system reaction in the body. It is a physical cooling method, which is equivalent to applying a cold towel on the forehead. Generally, there will be no side effects if used for a long time. It's just that the cooling effect is not so good.

2. Theoretically speaking, any Cooling gel patch that can be used by infants can also be used by adults. However, due to the small body size of infants and young children, the content of active substances in the Cooling gel patch is small, so it may be harmful to adults. Even less obvious. Therefore, this is why the Cooling gel patches specially designed for infants and young children have an age setting, and the effect may not be good if they are over 12 years old.

3. The Cooling gel patch uses gel as a carrier. Through the vaporization of water in the gel, it takes away a large amount of local heat in the human body and plays a cooling role. It is a common physical cooling product and cannot solve the root cause of all fevers. It is only suitable for fevers of 37.5 ℃--38.5 ℃, once the fever exceeds 38.5 ℃, you can't rely on physical cooling alone, you need drugs to lower the temperature.
