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The Right Ways to Store Capsicum Plasters

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 12 13,2023

Capsicum plasters are a popular topical pain relief product containing the active ingredient capsaicin. Applied to the skin, they deliver a warming sensation which can soothe muscle and joint aches. As with any medication, it is important to store them correctly to preserve their effectiveness. This article will outline the essential tips to keep your capsicum plasters potent for use when you need them.

01. Keep in a Cool, Dry Place

The ideal storage location for capsicum plasters is a clean, dry spot at room temperature, away from excess light and humidity. Places to avoid include damp basements, steamy bathrooms and humid kitchens. Temperature extremes are also detrimental as both hot and cold conditions can cause the adhesive to lose stickiness and the capsaicin to break down more quickly. Keep them in a dedicated medicine cabinet, linen closet or cupboard in a moderate climate-controlled area of your home.

02. Check the Expiration Date

Always be sure to check the expiration date before applying capsicum plasters. This will typically be printed on the packaging or foil packets. Note this date when first purchased and write a reminder in your calendar to replace them once reaching expiration. Using expired plasters risks skin irritation, loss of adhesion and reduced effectiveness of pain relief. Replace them once the expiration date has passed to ensure optimal results.

03. Reseal Packets After Each Use

Whether in individual foil sheets or a box containing multiple plasters, it is essential to reseal the packaging fully after each application. Exposure to air causes the capsaicin and adhesive layers to degrade. Take care to tightly fold or clip the packets to block entry of excess oxygen between uses. This prevents the ingredients from drying out or becoming contaminated.

04. Watch Out For Changes in Appearance

Keep an eye out for any color changes, hardening or weeping liquid coming from the plasters. This signals the capsaicin or adhesive gel is oxidizing and losing integrity. Discontinue use of affected capsicum plasters. Careful storage practices will help prevent this kind of spoilage.


05. Store Upright and Support From Below

If your capsicum plasters come packed in a taller box, avoid laying it horizontally for storage. This may cause the plasters within to slip around and distort their shapes causing creasing or cracks. Store the box vertically with solid support underneath to maintain the uniform shape of the plasters inside. Distorted plasters are more difficult to handle and may not achieve an airtight seal on the skin.

06. Do Not Refrigerate or Freeze

Although cold temperatures may seem an easy way to keep the capsaicin stable and lasting longer, freezing or refrigerating capsicum plasters is ill-advised. Extreme temperature fluctuations can degrade the adhesive and warp the physical shape of the plasters. Allow them to remain at room temperature in your storage area instead.

07. Avoid Direct Sunlight and Heat

Just as temperatures that are too cold can damage capsicum plasters, direct sunlight and heat can also shorten their shelf life. Avoid keeping plasters on a windowsill, the dash of a hot car, near the oven or other heat sources. These conditions speed up chemical degradation, drying out the capsaicin and adhesive gel.

Follow the above guidelines for cool, dry, dark storage of your capsicum plasters to get the most out of their pain relief capabilities. Checking expiration dates and replacing outdated products ensures you’ll always have effective plasters ready when muscle soreness strikes. Implementing careful storage habits allows these topical analgesics to deliver powerful skin soothing for many years.