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The most detailed answer to Travel motion sickness patch |Motion Sickness Patch OEM

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 05 23,2022


01. Where to apply travel motion sickness patch for best results

Nowadays, it is very convenient to travel by car, but some people have the problem of motion sickness, which can generally be solved by eating motion sickness medicine and patching motion sickness patch, so where is the best effect of motion sickness patching?


1. After the ear root

The Anti Nausea Patch is a medication that can be applied near the ear so that the effect can reach the location more directly. If you need to use the patch continuously, you should apply it behind both ears in rotation, and after using two patches in a row, you should use it after a 6-hour interval before using the third patch.


2. On the belly button

Of course, there are also people who put motion sickness stickers on the navel, but it is best to use special navel motion sickness stickers for the navel, otherwise it may not be effective. Specific practice: one hour before the car sickness, take one piece of motion sickness patch and put it on the liver navel (called Shen Que point). If the ride is more than one day, change the patch the next day to prevent motion sickness.


It should be noted that the motion sickness patch is not suitable for application on the broken skin area, and care should be taken to avoid overuse, otherwise it may cause skin flushing, dilated pupils, rapid pulse, restlessness, hallucinations in severe cases, and memory loss.


02. Travel motion sickness patch generally lasts for several hours

When using travel motion sickness patch, how long a travel motion sickness patch can be used is a concern of many friends, after all, if halfway through the travel motion sickness patch will fail, it will be more uncomfortable, so how long a travel motion sickness patch can last?


Travel motion sickness patch is generally made of plant extracts such as mint, made into small patches, stick in the acupuncture points, to prevent motion sickness, half an hour to an hour before the car, the effect will last about six to eight hours, not a long ride, one or two motion sickness patch is enough to use.

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03. Should I keep the travel motion sickness patch on?

When applying a travel motion sickness patch, it is not sufficient to apply an Anti Nausea patch for the entire ride.


Travel motion sickness patch is usually used in the car, if you get off the car, you can take off the motion sickness patch and do not need to continue to stick it on; or during a long trip, if the duration of the motion sickness patch has passed, it is useless to continue to stick it on, so you can take it off and continue to stick it on with another one. However, it should be noted that after using two patches in a row, the third patch should be used after an interval of 6 hours, so be careful to avoid over-reliance on motion sickness patches.


04. Can the travel motion sickness patch be reused?

A travel motion sickness patch can last for 6-8 hours. Sometimes when the ride is over and the patch is not used up, some people will take it off and put it away for the next time, so can the travel motion sickness patch be reused?


Generally speaking, travel motion sickness patch is a disposable product and cannot be reused; moreover, the medication in the motion sickness patch will gradually evaporate after the protective layer of the barrier film is removed, so it will not be effective even if it is saved for the next use.


05. Relief Motion Sickness Patch recommendation and Professional OEM Service

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