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The Correct Use of Herbal Pain Relief Patch

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 04 30,2022

The patch for pain relief should not be used when there are wounds, eThe Correct Use of Herbal Pain Relief Patch


The first thing that comes to mind is to take an herbal pain relief patch to relieve pain when you feel back pain after using the same posture for a long time. Pain relief patches can be divided into anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving, warm, and cool. It is recommended that you can distinguish the difference from the ingredients of the Herbal pain relief patch, but in fact, there are many causes of pain and soreness, so you can consult your doctor and then prescribe the right medicine.


01. A herbal pain relief patch is applicable to the following situations

1. Soreness and pain caused by exercise (lactic acid accumulation)


When you participate in a long-distance marathon or suddenly increase the intensity of exercise beyond what your muscles can withstand in order to challenge your physical limits, your muscles will easily become fatigued, and this will lead to soreness due to the accumulation of lactic acid.


To relieve this kind of soreness, the most important thing is to rest appropriately and apply a Herbal pain relief patch to the sore spot to promote blood circulation and let lactic acid out. If you don't have a hot compress on hand, you can also use a warm Herbal pain relief patch with local muscle massage to stimulate microvascular dilation to accelerate blood circulation and relieve soreness symptoms.


2. Tendon inflammation


Tennis elbow is not a condition that only tennis players or housewives have if you often use your wrist and elbow repetitively and keep exerting force for a long time, such as lifting heavy objects, sweeping, mopping, frying, typing, playing piano, etc.


If the wrong posture does not apply the right amount of force, the tendon will become inflamed if the lateral elbow extensor muscle group or the thumb tendon sheath on the side of the wrist becomes inflamed and painful. If the pain is mild, you can apply the Herbal pain relief patch, which has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects, to relieve the inflammation. However, if the pain persists after 1 to 2 days of rest, it is necessary to seek medical examination as soon as possible.


3. Neck muscle strain


Many people often wake up with a wave of pain in their shoulder and neck, making it unbearable. Usually, the cause of a drop pillow is either a strain or spasm of the neck muscles or acute inflammation of a small joint in the cervical spine.


If the pain is caused by an acute muscle spasm in the shoulder and neck due to the wrong sleeping position, you can apply a warm towel or warm patch to the sore area and the pain can usually be relieved on the second day. If the pain is not relieved on the second day but worsens, you should seek medical examination to see if the pain is caused by other cervical spine diseases.


4. Acute sprain


I believe we have all had the experience of wearing high heels or playing soccer and accidentally twisting our feet, which is a painful experience. When this kind of acute sprain occurs, remember to handle the sprain with PRICE principles, which are protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation.


02. precautions for herbal pain relief patch

Although an herbal pain relief patch is a life-saving remedy for some pains and aches, the following 6 principles should be noted when using it in order to maximize its benefits.


1. Use the pain-relieving patch first read the labeled ingredients or cut a 3cm size patch and put it on the inner thigh to know if you are allergic to the ingredients.


2. Herbal pain relief patch is only effective for 4-6 hours and should be removed after 6 hours to avoid redness, swelling, and itching due to humidity.


3. Depending on the size and composition of the pain relief patches, it is best not to apply more than 2 to 4 patches a day, as relevant studies have found that excessive use of Western medication patches may cause liver and kidney burden.


4. Chinese pain relief patches are usually compounded and have more complex ingredients. For pregnant women and people with liver and kidney problems, it is recommended to choose the appropriate type of patches and frequency of use after evaluation by a doctor to avoid causing a burden on the fetus and body.


5. When there are wounds, eczema, and other skin diseases on the affected area, it is not advisable to use the patch for pain relieve


czema, and other skin diseases, so as not to over-stimulate the worsening of symptoms or cause pathogenic infection.


If the pain patch does not improve for more than 2 days, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to find out the cause.


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