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3 Points to Note When Using a Back Pain Patch

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 04 01,2022

Shoulder, neck, and shoulder pain is a common problem in the city, and many people are used to using back pain patches, but they often get it wrong. Therefore, this article will give you a detailed introduction to the use of pain relief patches and precautions.


01. A back pain patch applies to the following situations

1. Tendon inflammation


Because of poor posture, intense exercise, long time repetitive force...etc. cause tendon inflammation, resulting in tennis elbow or mother's hand problems, if the pain is relatively mild, you can apply anti-inflammatory and pain relief patch, and more rest to relieve symptoms.


2. Delayed muscle soreness


Don't worry, it's normal, it means your muscles are growing! In addition to more rest, hot compresses, stretching, etc. to relieve, if really uncomfortable, or just do not have a hot compress at hand, you can use Back Pain Patch with massage to promote blood circulation and accelerate the relief of symptoms.


3. Sprain


Walking ankle accidentally "capsize", wake up neck pillow ... and other acute muscle sprain problems, remember to first use the "PRICE" principle: Protection (Protection), Rest (Rest), Ice packing (Ice packing), Compression (Compression), Elevation (Elevation) to deal with the affected area Finally, we can apply capsicum plaster with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving ingredients and elasticity to reduce swelling and accelerate tissue repair.


4. Strain


Unlike sprains, minor strains are mostly caused by muscle and tendon fatigue or overuse, when the affected area will be in an inflamed state, the first step can be handled with the first aid 5 steps: protection, appropriate load, ice, compression, lifting, and then with a warm patch hot compress to help reduce the discomfort.

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02. 3 principles of back pain patch use

1. Read the instructions carefully


There are many different types of back pain patches, and for different causes of pain, the treatment and medication used are different, so consult your doctor or pharmacist before purchasing one.


2. Use one medication at a time


Back Pain Patch contains pain-relieving ingredients that will be absorbed by the skin to produce effects, so you should avoid using multiple pain-relieving methods at the same time, such as eating, patching, rubbing, and wiping together, to make sure that one at a time is safe.


The patch is not a sticker that can be put on indiscriminately, such as hands, feet, shoulders, and back at the same time, it will also cause too much absorption of the drug and side effects and increase the burden on the liver and kidneys, so do not stick for too long or use a large area.


3. Avoid prolonged and large area use


Back Pain Patch is only effective for 4-6 hours and should not be used for more than 6 hours. If you experience allergies such as rashes, redness, swelling, itching, etc., or if your pain symptoms do not improve after continued use, stop using the CBD pain patch immediately and seek medical attention.


03. Points to note when using a Back pain patch

1. Avoid wounds


A back pain patch is not equal to wound medication, so when you have wounds, rashes, skin allergies, and other symptoms, do not put a pain patch on it, otherwise, the medication in the patch is likely to stimulate the wound and cause bacterial infection or deterioration.


2. Know the ingredients


Herbal pain relief patch mostly contains methyl salicylate or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as other pharmaceutical ingredients, it is recommended that you must read the ingredients before buying, it is best to go through a doctor's evaluation before use, especially for allergic, pregnant women, patients with liver and kidney disease, more carefully selected to avoid the burden on their health and fetus! In addition, if you are not sure whether you are allergic to the ingredients, you can first cut a small piece of patch about 3 cm in length and width on the inner thigh to confirm.


3. Do not apply more than 6 hours


Back pain patch's effect lasts about 4-6 hours, more than this time is like putting a useless piece of cloth on your body, smothering your affected area will easily cause allergy, resulting in redness, swelling, itching, and more discomfort.