Author: Kongdy Patch
Date: 12 14,2023
If you invest in just one at-home spa treatment this year, let it be the simple yet incredibly restorative Hot Steam Eye Mask yoga ritual. This multi-sensory practice synergistically relaxes the eyes, awakens the mind and restores whole being balance when daily life feels too chaotic and draining.
Here are a few beginner Hot Steam Eye Mask yoga flows to guide you through this nourishing ritual.
01. Restorative Reclined Sequence
Lie down in a reclined position with legs extended up the wall to relax the nervous system. As you inhale lavender and eucalyptus steam, visualize breathing vitality directly into weary eyes. Hold for 5 minutes then remove the mask to gently massage around the orbits.
02. Grounding Seated Meditation
Sit comfortably cross-legged, back straight and eyes closed. Allow the steam's warmth to soften tension around the eyes while concentrating on the feeling of connection through the sit bones grounding down. Conclude by gently blinking the eyes open and shut several times.
03. Standing Neck Release
Stand with feet hip-width apart, Hot Steam Eye Mask on, and slowly tilt the head side to side, rolling it around in circles to stretch the neck. Pause when facing forward again and lift both shoulders up toward ears then gently release down as you exhale away any remaining tension.
The trifecta of steam's reparative heat, aromatherapy's balancing effects and the mind-body awareness from yoga makes for an intensely curative 10-minute eye self-care ritual. Invest in this trifecta to restore whole being equilibrium when daily stressors throw you off center. Your eyes will thank you!