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Note on The Use of Fever Patches for Babies With Fever |Kongdy

Author: Kangdimedical

Date: 02 25,2022

Nowadays, the use of cool fever patch is becoming more and more popular, and it has replaced some of the fever-reducing medications as the first choice of fever-reducing products for children. So why is it so popular? What are the differences between it and fever medicine? Is it really good at reducing fever? Perhaps every parent should know the answers to these questions before using cool fever patch on their baby.


01. Why is Cool fever patch so popular?

Cooling gel patch is a fever-reducing product that uses the internationally popular TDDS technology to achieve a rapid cooling effect through the physical change of water vaporization and heat absorption, which allows the baby to cool down healthily and safely without damaging the immune system response in the child's body. It is a physical cooling product with the characteristics of high fever emergency, safe fever reduction, rapid cooling, and brain protection, and is widely used in children with fever and fever because of its fast fever reduction, good cooling effect, and safe non-toxic side effects.


02. What is the difference between Cool fever patch and antipyretic medicine?

We have explained the principle of Fever cooling patch and its effect, so let's get familiar with the next fever medicine. The so-called antipyretic drugs are actually antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, which are antipyretic and analgesic, and most of them also have anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic effects. The biggest difference between Gel fever patch and antipyretics is that one is a medical device and the other is a medicine.


03. Is Cool fever patch really effective in reducing fever?

The two products with different properties make a huge difference in terms of efficacy and side effects. Pediatric fever patches. The basic structure of most pediatric fever patches consists of a material film, non-woven fabric, and medical polymer gel, mint, ice chips and water, with the gel layer being the main part. The gel is the carrier of the product, and through the vaporization of water in the gel, it carries away a large amount of heat from the human body region, which is suitable for auxiliary treatment of fever and emergency physical cooling. Here, we need to emphasize the auxiliary cooling, which is the efficacy of the antipyretic patch, but not the complete cooling.


04. How long to apply Cool fever patch

Generally speaking, the effect of the cooling gel sheet can last for 4-8 hours, so don't take it off too early to avoid reducing the cooling effect.


If the body continues to be in a fever situation, you can always use Ice cooling patch to cool down the body, generally there are no side effects, the heat subsides, then you can remove. Fever patches use physical cooling methods, often used for acute physical cooling, can relieve fever conditions, commonly used in children with fever. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a couple of hours to get the right amount of time.


05. What is the cool fever patch issue that mothers want to know most?

The fever medication, although it is a medicine, but the efficacy of the pediatric fever medication is undoubtedly. It can be used for fever, headache, toothache, neuralgia, joint pain, muscle pain, etc. It has significant antipyretic and analgesic effects.


Cool fever patch's real role is to assist in cooling down, coupled with its special nature, so it is safe for parents to use for their babies. The antipyretic medicine is an anti-inflammatory drug with relatively large toxic side effects. Although it is effective, it must be taken in accordance with medical advice, so parents should not use it blindly for their babies, otherwise it will bring unimaginable consequences.


Kangdi R & D team visited hundreds of community clinics, interviewed thousands of parents of children using medical fever patches, patients in the use of medical fever patches in addition to fever reduction effect more concerned about the medical cool fever patch adhesion, children are active, if the medical fever patch adhesion is not enough, it will fall off from the child's forehead, and once it falls off even Kangdi repeated tests, through thousands of repeated experiments and formula adjustments, finally found the product high adhesion point, whether it is the initial adhesion or holding adhesion has reached a higher level of the industry.

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