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How to Wear Motion Sickness Band

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 04 19,2022

★ Part1: Putting on and Adjusting Your motion sickness band

1. Put on your Sea-Band before you start traveling or feeling ill. While you can put your Sea-Band on during a stomach ache, these wristbands are designed to prevent nausea. If you will be boarding transportation or undergoing a medical procedure that causes nausea, put your Sea-Band on beforehand.



2. Find your Nei-Kuan point on your body. According to acupressure theory, applying pressure to the Nei-Kuan point can prevent or alleviate nausea. The Nei-Kuan point is located on your wrists, directly below the space between your index and middle finger. To find it, place the first three fingers of your opposite hand on your wrist and press the spot between your first two tendons. If you're not sure whether you've located your Nei-Kuan point, look up a diagram of your wrist that marks the Nei-Kuan point for comparison.



3. Position the button over your Nei-Kuan point. The button should be placed facing down on this point, then strapped onto your wrist. If you are already experiencing nausea and do not experience relief within several minutes of putting the wristband on, adjust it in the area surrounding the point until you find the right spot.



4. Repeat the process with both hands. One wristband for each hand is ideal for nausea relief so you can place pressure on both Nei-Kuan points. If you only have one Sea-Band, place pressure on your other hand's Nei-Kuan point using your fingers. 2 wristbands are preferred if you need to keep your hands free.




★ Part2: Using a motion sickness band in Relevant Situations

1. Wear a motion sickness band while using transportation to prevent motion sickness. motion sickness band  can relieve nausea caused by car, train, boat, or plane transportation. Based on the assumption that motion sickness is not psychological but physiological, the wristbands prevent dizziness, nausea, and vomiting caused by motion sickness.


motion sickness band were initially designed to treat seasickness.


2. Use a motion sickness band while on vacation to relieve travel nausea. motion sickness band may be helpful for those who suffer nausea due to jet lag, transportation that they don't normally use, or emotional stress. Put the Sea-Band on right before you begin traveling to keep symptoms at bay. Early travel sickness symptoms include quietness, lethargy, sweaty or clammy palms, and headaches.



3. Put on a motion sickness band to prevent morning sickness. Acupressure can relieve morning sickness symptoms, particularly nausea and vomiting. Monitor and write down the times of day you most often feel nauseated and plan to wear the wristband during this time.


are designed to treat Hyperemesis Gravidarum in particular, a rare form of morning sickness that affects a small percentage of expecting women. Hyperemesis Gravidarum symptoms include excessive vomiting and all-day nausea.


One study found that morning sickness was reduced in 70% of pregnant women who used motion sickness band.