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How Anti Nausea Patch Works and Its Side Effects

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 05 11,2022

01. What is the principle of Anti Nausea Patch

Anti Nausea Patch can relieve motion sickness and many of you use it, but you may not know much about how the patch works, so why does it relieve motion sickness symptoms?


The principle of Anti Nausea Patch lies in the regulation of inner ear function. The patch is applied behind the ear, and with the help of the fragrance of lemon essential oil and the evaporation of ethanol and menthol brain, it penetrates through the skin and exerts a certain regulatory effect on the human nervous system, thus relieving motion sickness.


02. Are there any side effects of using Anti Nausea Patch?

Anti Nausea Patch is a drug, a topical medicine, and has certain side effects, especially if used improperly or in excess, the following side effects may occur.

1. Skin allergy

Because Anti Nausea Patch is applied behind the ear and needs to be in direct contact with the skin, people with sensitive skin are more likely to suffer from skin allergies after using travel motion sickness patch.

The patch is applied directly to the skin. Those who are allergic to it may have flushed skin, rapid heartbeat, agitation and other symptoms.


2. Dry mouth, blurred vision, etc.

Dry mouth, poor vision, drowsiness, and palpitations are more likely to occur during the use of motion sickness patch.


3、Memory loss

Overuse of relief motion sickness patch can also cause hallucinations and memory loss, especially in younger children, who are more likely to experience these adverse reactions. If the above-mentioned side effects, should immediately remove the patch of motion sickness patch, and appropriate increase water, pay attention to rest, after a period of time the symptoms will disappear naturally.


03. Who should not use Anti Nausea Patch

Anti motion sickness patch is good, but not everyone can use motion sickness patch, there are some special people who may cause more side effects if they use the patch.


Generally speaking, Anti Nausea Patch is contraindicated for children under 6 years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers, glaucoma, scopolamine allergy, severe heart disease, asthma, skin allergy, etc. These people should avoid consuming motion sickness patch and need to take other methods to relieve motion sickness if they are seasick.


04. Anti Nausea Patch recommendation and professional OEM service

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