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Hot Steam Eye Mask : Are You Using The Right One? |Kongdy

Author: Kongdy patch

Date: 02 23,2022

When it comes to Hot Steam Eye Mask, you may have more contact with disposable steam eye masks, and there are different types of steam eye masks available in the market. The following is a list of recommended steam eye masks and how to use them!


01. Why choose Hot Steam Eye Mask?

Steam warm eye mask can soothe the eyes and the muscles around the eyes, and also help to promote blood circulation in the eyes, and the steam eye mask can soothe the eyes and the muscles around the eyes, and also help to promote blood circulation in the eyes, and it has certain effect on reducing dark circles under the eyes. So how to choose the most suitable type of steam eye mask for yourself?


02. What are the effects of Hot Steam Eye Mask?

The effect of Hot Steam Eye Mask is to relieve eye fatigue, and because the eye mask can generally maintain about 40 steam, can promote the blood circulation of the eyes, and can make the eyes tear increase, so that the accumulation of dust, foreign bodies or secretions on the edge of the eyelids to discharge, reduce the risk of eye infection.


1. Relieve eye fatigue

Steam eye mask can accelerate eye skin blood circulation, eye fatigue play a very good effect of relief. And it can also make the eye skin more relaxed, can promote sleep.


2. Improve the skin around the eyes

Heated steam eye mask can be used to remove dark circles and eliminate bags under the eyes, because it will heat up and disperse steam, so it can also enhance the moisture level of the eyes, replenish moisture to the skin around the eyes, and reduce the loss of skin moisture.


3. Protect your eyesight

People who work on computers for a long time or study for a long time can use this Hot Steam Eye Mask regularly, it can help us improve a series of problems caused by excessive use of the eyes and play a role in protecting eyesight.


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03. Precautions when using Hot Steam Eye Mask

When is it not appropriate to wear steam eye mask?

1. When makeup has not been removed

When makeup is on, eye makeup deposits can easily cause eye infections. It is not advisable to apply a hot steam eye mask at this time.


2. When wearing contact lenses

Contact lenses may be deformed by heat, causing damage to the eyes. Secondly, contact lenses worn for a long time is prone to inflammation, and then on top of this hot compresses, easily cause more serious eye infections.


The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a couple of days to get a lot more than just a couple of days.

It has been reported in the news that some patients are allergic to the material of the eye mask, causing eye discomfort. It is recommended that allergy-prone people should be cautious in using Hot Steam Eye Mask.


Patients with high blood pressure should also use steam eye masks with caution to avoid blood pressure fluctuations caused by high temperatures.


5. Not for pregnant women and children.


04. The correct use of Hot Steam Eye Mask

1. As consumers, we should be careful when buying Hot Steam Eye Mask should be carefully screened. Should choose the qualified products produced by the legitimate manufacturers.

2. Look up the ingredients list before purchase, and it is recommended that you confirm that the steam eye mask you purchase has no known allergenic ingredients according to your personal situation.

3. Be careful not to use the steam eye masks for too long, it is recommended not to exceed 20 minutes.

4. You should clean your eyes and face well to ensure that there are no makeup residues before using them.