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Function and Effect of Motion Sickness Patch

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 08 15,2022

For anyone who has struggled with motion sickness, whether in a car, a plane, or a boat, finding a solution can be challenging. Motion sickness can sometimes hold you back. Luckily, there is Motion Sickness patch.

01. What Is Motion Sickness?

If you sometimes feel nauseous, dizzy, or even feel like vomiting when riding in a car, plane, or boat, you may suffer from motion sickness. Motion sickness is related to your sense of balance, which is maintained by the complex interaction of signals from your inner ear and various senses (sight, touch, smell, etc). Together, they tell your brain where your body is in space – in what direction you're heading, whether you're turning or standing still. These signals sometimes get confused. For instance, if you're reading in the back seat of a car, your inner ear and skin receptors feel the motion of the car, but your eyes are focused on the page. The result may be motion sickness.

02. What is Motion Sickness patch?

Motion Sickness patch is a prescription medicine used for adults to help prevent nausea and vomiting from motion sickness for up to 3 days (72 hours). It is not known if Motion Sickness is safe or effective in children. It is a tan-colored circular patch that you apply to your skin on a hairless area behind one ear at least 4 hours before the activity to prevent nausea and vomiting.

03. Function and effect of Motion Sickness patch

One Motion Sickness patch helps prevent motion sickness for up to 72 hours. Motion Sickness patch is easy to use – just apply one Motion Sickness patch to your skin on a hairless area behind one ear at least 4 hours before the activity to prevent nausea and vomiting.

It also helps prevent nausea and vomiting from anesthesia or from taking opioid pain medicines after surgery. Follow your doctor's instructions about when to apply Motion Sickness before your scheduled surgery. Motion Sickness patch should be left in place for 24 hours after surgery. After 24 hours the patch should be removed and thrown away.

04. Matters needing attention when using Motion Sickness patch

Wash your hands with soap and water right away after applying the patch, so that any medicine from the patch that gets on your hands will not get into your eyes.

You should not drink alcohol while using Motion Sickness. It can increase your chances of having serious side effects.

You should not drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how Motion Sickness affects you.

Limit contact with water while swimming and bathing because Motion Sickness patch may fall off. If the patch falls off, throw it away and apply a new one on the hairless area behind your other ear.


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