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Easy Cough Relief with Baby Anti - Cough Patch

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 05 31,2022

Every fall and winter, coughs are the most common cause of anxiety for moms and dads. Whether it's a cold cough, pneumonia cough, or bronchitis cough. The weather is getting drier and dryer and the temperature difference between day and night is bigger, which makes some children easily catch fire, catch a cold, and cough constantly.


So anti-cough patch has become popular, it is a traditional medical anti-cough patch for babies, it is very popular, many people are willing to choose the plaster patch to strengthen the body health. The patch has a long history, and its principle of action is through the transdermal treatment of Chinese medicine to exert its effect, the main practice is to apply the adhesive tape containing Chinese medicine to specific acupuncture points of the body, or other uncomfortable places other than acupuncture points, through the absorption of the skin to achieve the purpose of causing disease, Baby Anti - Cough Patch is also through this principle to treat cough.


01. Advantages of Baby Anti - Cough Patch

The benefits of Baby Anti-Cough Patch are many: the amount of medicine used for the patch is small, and the patch works directly on the desired area, so the medicine reaches the disease directly and works quickly. Therefore, the effect of the patch is fast and the toxic side effects to humans are small.


02. The correct way to use a Baby anti-cough patch

With the correct use of Relieving Cough Plaster, you can easily stop coughing. According to Chinese medicine, cough is a clinical condition characterized by a loss of lung circulation due to external or internal injury, which causes the lung to rebel against the airways and produce a cough or cough with phlegm.


How to use Baby anti-cough patch correctly? You take the Baby anti-cough patch and put it on your child's Dazhi point, Tiantu point, or Tanzhong point, or Lung Yu point, once a day, one patch at a time. It is a classic preparation for children's cough based on the meridian theory of Chinese medicine combined with modern transdermal slow-release absorption technology. It can continuously stimulate the acupuncture points to accelerate blood circulation and repair the damaged respiratory mucosa, and also promote the overall regulation of the human body's internal environment and improve immunity.


Baby anti-cough patch not only treats through transdermal administration but also stimulates acupuncture points to harmonize Qi and blood to stimulate meridian functions. The selected lung point is the dorsal point on the bladder meridian, which is adjacent to the lung meridian. This point is where the lung qi is injected, and modern research shows that stimulating this point can improve lung function and achieve the function of internal and external healing.


Baby anti-cough patch can effectively avoid the first-pass effect of oral administration to the liver and the effect of the gastrointestinal tract on the drug through transdermal drug delivery, thus improving the utilization of the drug. The key to transdermal drug delivery is to promote drug penetration. The keratin layer of the skin is the main barrier for drug penetration, and children have the physiological characteristic of weak skin, with a thin keratin layer of the skin, and the active ingredients of drugs are easily absorbed, so it is especially suitable for compressing therapy.


Finally, it should be noted that the duration of the Baby anti-cough patch can be shortened for those who are allergic to the patch, and should be stopped once redness and itching occur. This simple method of using the Baby anti-cough patch is especially suitable for coughing after a cold. If the cough persists or even worsens after 3 days of application, you should seek medical attention.


03. Now, we would like to recommend some cough relief methods in combination with the Baby anti-cough patch to parents.

1. Eat a light diet and do not give your child high-protein, high-sugar foods such as milk, fish, eggs, meat, soy products, etc. You should not eat raw or cold foods.


2.Drink more water to dissolve the phlegm, stop one-day protein phlegm will be much less.


3. When the child's phlegm has almost disappeared, it is time to slowly add nutrition and increase the intake of protein as appropriate. If the baby is too young to leave the milk, you can dilute the milk or eat less and more, or replace it with thick rice soup or other supplementary food. If you are a breastfeeding mother, you should pay attention to your own diet, try to consume less protein and sugar, and drink more water.

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