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Does Pain Relief Plaster really work? Are there any side effects?

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 04 27,2022


01. The principle of Pain Relief Plaster

Pain Relief Plaster uses medicinal or warming/cooling ingredients to relieve pain and discomfort and improve sprains and swelling; Pain Relief Plaster uses the elasticity of the patch itself to apply in a forward or reverse direction according to the muscle structure (myology) to help relax or strengthen the muscles.


02. Functions of Pain Relief Plaster

1.Pain Relief Plaster can relieve muscle fatigue

Generally speaking, when the muscles are tight, the myofascia attached to the muscles will also become tight, and the tension of the Pain Relief Plaster helps to adjust the myofascia, using the reverse way of adhesion, that is, from the end (insertion) to the origin (origin) of the muscle texture, to increase contraction and reduce overstretching, to achieve the effect of relaxing the myofascia and muscles.


2. Pain Relief Plaster can promote blood and lymphatic circulation

By using the tension of the pain relieving patch, it helps to increase the gap between the skin and the muscle, which also means that the lymph and blood have more space to flow. When the circulation system becomes better, it can eliminate the stagnant blood or the tissue fluid left in the area, improve the tiny internal bleeding and swelling, and help to reduce the inflammation of the affected area.


3. Pain Relief Plaster can improve sports performance

In addition to relieving muscle fatigue, the elasticity of Pain Relief Plaster can prevent joint abnormalities caused by abnormal muscle contraction, helping to stabilize joint mobility and increase athletic performance.

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03. The correct use of Pain Relief Plaster

Some people are curious to know about pain relief patch, mostly because they see athletes using it on the sports field, and after learning about its effectiveness, they buy the patch at home by themselves and follow the patch while watching pictures or videos.


Before using muscle pain patch, you should understand the muscle structure first, because when applying the patch, you need to match the patient's symptoms with different tension, patching method and limb position, so that you can apply the right patch and make it precise.


When you first start using Pain Relief Plaster, it is best to seek professional assistance and guidance. How long can Pain Relief Plaster be applied and does it have any side effects? Pain Relief Plaster does not contain medicine and has no side effects, as long as people who are not sensitive to adhesive can use it.


04. Precautions for Pain Relief Plaster

1. Do not apply Pain Relief Plaster for more than 2 days.

The stickiness and elasticity of Pain Relief Plaster will decrease with the use of time, and the effectiveness will of course slowly decrease, so the patch can be torn off voluntarily after about 2 days, or when there is degumming or edge lifting!


2. Open wounds do not use Pain Relief Plaster

Natural pain relieve patch's function is to relieve muscle fatigue, not to treat wounds, so when there are wounds, skin allergies ... and other symptoms, do not stick the cloth to the above, otherwise there will be easy to have the problem of infection !