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Cooling gel patch OEM processing should how to choose products

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 01 28,2023

For every mother, the most worrying thing is a child's illness and fever. After birth, the baby's own immune system is weak, and it is difficult to cope with weather changes, which causes fever symptoms. When a child's body temperature is too high and cannot be sent to the hospital in time, the antipyretic patch becomes a temporary emergency tool to prevent serious damage to the brain function due to high body temperature.

If you want to do Cooling gel patch OEM processing, the choice of the factory mainly depends on the following points,

1. Look at the cooling speed of the Cooling gel patch.

The cooling speed of the cooling gel patch represents the cooling ability. When there is an emergency need for fever, the Cooling gel patch can solve the problem in a timely manner, which is what every parent expects.

2. Cooling area.

The length and width of each antipyretic patch are slightly different, and the cooling speed of the larger area is faster.

3. Composition analysis.

Different manufacturers have different ingredients and proportions of antipyretic patches. The more volatile substances are contained, the cooling effect is generally better.

4. Cooling paste material.

For infants and young children, the skin is delicate, if the air permeability is not good, it will not only affect the cooling effect. It is very likely to damage the baby's skin. In addition to looking at the production quality of the product, the qualification of the manufacturer should also be inspected.

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KONGDY has been specialized in Cooling gel patch OEM for 33 years. For 33 years, it has been committed to spreading the cause of traditional Chinese medicine. Whether it is motion sickness patches, three-volt patches, warm palace patches, or black plaster patches, we will wholeheartedly customize and produce for you, and always keep active up.