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Cooling Gel Patch Is Your Right Choice

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 12 19,2022

1 Cooling gel patch:

Cooling gel patch is similar to ice cold compress, but much softer. The main ingredients of the Cooling gel patch are polymer gel, purified water, glycerin, mint, etc., which can be attached to the baby's forehead or temple. The antipyretic cream cools the baby by absorbing the baby's heat through the evaporation of water.

When the baby has a fever, you can reduce the baby's excessive clothing, let the baby stay in a ventilated environment, drink plenty of warm water, replenish body moisture, and promote perspiration, so as to achieve the cooling effect.

2. Where are the children's fever cooling stickers posted?

It can be pasted on the forehead, because the forehead is hotter when you have a fever, and the area of the forehead is larger, which is more conducive to heat dissipation. It can also be attached to the Dazhui point on the baby's neck. This acupoint has dual functions of physical antipyretic and acupoint antipyretic. It can also be hung around your baby's neck. These three parts are conducive to reducing fever. But if the baby's high fever persists, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination and treatment to avoid accidents.


3. Misunderstandings of physical cooling and fever reduction

01. Do not cover. 

Some old people will cover the sweat of their feverish children. This is very unscientific. The more you cover, the harder it is to dissipate heat. On the contrary, it will increase the body temperature, causing febrile convulsions. Therefore, excess clothing should be removed at this time to facilitate heat dissipation.

02. Do not wipe with alcohol blindly. 

Alcohol rubbing is a common method of reducing fever in the past, but it is not recommended. Wiping with alcohol can be very irritating to your baby's skin and may also lead to alcohol poisoning in your baby.

03. Antipyretics can only be used in infants with high fever. 

The method and dosage of taking must be carried out according to the doctor's request.