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Cool Fever Patch OEM Service and How to Use it Properly?

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 05 13,2022


01. Can babies use Cool fever patch?

Fever cooling patch is used to lower the body temperature of children by vaporizing the water in the gel to evaporate the excessive heat from the body, without damaging the immune system of children. It belongs to the physical cooling products, because of its fast fever reduction, good cooling effect, safe non-toxic vice and is widely used in pediatric fever and fever.


02. how many degrees of baby's Cool fever patch can be used

Cool fever patch is a commonly used physical cooling product, which cannot solve all the underlying causes of fever, and is only suitable for fever 37.5-38.5. Once the fever exceeds 38.5, you cannot rely solely on physical cooling and need medication to lower the temperature.


03. How to use Cool fever patch

1. Open the outer packaging of the fever patch, the adhesive side of the fever patch is covered with a transparent film. When using, first tear off the film, the gel surface covered in the high body temperature (such as forehead, neck, etc.), cold cooling, you can also cut the size according to the actual situation.


2. You can use several Cool fever patches at the same time and put them on the neck, armpits, buttocks and other places where arteries are located to achieve a rapid cooling effect.


Cool fever patch is a physical method to lower the body temperature and cannot cure the fever. If the child keeps having a high fever, parents are advised to take the child to the hospital.


4. Parents can put the Cool fever patch in the freezer of the refrigerator when stocking it (note the difference between freezer and refrigerator), the fever patch is more effective when frozen.


04. how to buy baby Cool fever patch patch

1. Safety first

Babies because of the weak body, the product safety and quality requirements are higher, and there are some products whose cooling time does not match their claims, so in the choice of fever patch do not just look at the price, it is best to choose the regular big brand gel fever patch products, such as the Kongdy fever patch. It is high technology, exquisite materials, excellent quality, is the choice of careful mother's peace of mind.


2. Smooth cooling

The speed and magnitude of cooling is the core of the fever patch. The speed of cooling is too fast, the amplitude is too large, it will cause frostbite and discomfort to the baby's skin. The cooling effect is sometimes high and sometimes low, not only can not effectively control the baby's body temperature, but also easy to aggravate the condition. Smooth, lasting cooling effect, the baby's forehead temperature is kept within the safe range, in order to effectively care for the baby's brain from the fever.


3. Comfortable and breathable

Due to the different materials and production processes of each brand of fever patches, their adhesion, breathability, and comfort are not the same. Baby fever more crying, if the fever patch easy to fall off will seriously affect the cooling effect; if the paste is too firm is difficult to tear off, easy to damage the baby's delicate skin. A good fever patch should not only be easy to fall off and can be easily torn off, so that the baby can maintain the cooling and both comfort and breathability when playing and crying, close to the skin, so that the baby more comfortable and relieve anxiety.



05. Cool fever patch use frequently asked questions

1. Can Cool fever patch be used all the time?

Cooling fever patch is based on the physical principle of water vaporization and heat absorption, so it can be used continuously, and there is no need to pause for a while when two pieces are exchanged. Compared to antipyretic drugs, because the internal medicine contains some chemicals, continuous use is harmful to the body, so you need to wait 6-8h between doses.


2. Can Cool fever patch be used at the same time with other antipyretic drugs

Cool fever patch does not contain any other chemicals, it is based on the physical principle of water vaporization and heat absorption to reduce temperature. So, while using the fever patch, you can also take other fever reducers, they will not react with each other. If your child's temperature does not decrease after using the fever patch, parents should promptly take your child to the hospital for medical attention.


3. What are the adverse effects of Cool fever patch on the forehead on the brain?

The qualified fever patch can control the temperature below the fever of the person's body temperature of three to five degrees, and the components of the fever patch do not include pharmaceuticals, the use of fever patch and will not have adverse effects on the child's brain through the skin.


4. Cool fever patch frostbite children?

The quality-assured Cool fever patch can control the speed and magnitude of temperature reduction, so that the temperature is kept between 3-5 degrees below the body temperature of the person with high fever, so it will not make the child's skin frostbite.