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Children's cooling gel patch OEM manufacturer

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 01 31,2023

Is the cooling gel patch for children really useful for cooling down? There are also many opinions about cooling gel patches for children on the Internet, and various cooling gel patches are still selling very well. Children's cooling gel patch, as a type of medical device, has strict requirements on quality and craftsmanship. Children are more likely to get sick and often have fever because their resistance and immunity are lower than those of adults. When taking care of children with fever, the first thing is to control their body temperature and not let the fever be too high. So it is often seen that parents put a children's cooling gel patch on the forehead of their children. Many parents also keep the baby's fever cooling gel patch at home. So how to choose a high-quality children's cooling gel patch? Fever cooling gel patch OEM manufacturers tell you.

01. Cooling speed

In a constant temperature environment, use two identical bottles to balance the water temperature. Let a bottle of water cool down naturally. Put a children's cooling gel patch on the outside of another bottle, and after 10 minutes, record the water temperature of natural cooling and the water temperature of using the children's cooling gel patch.

02. Cooling area

The length and width of each cooling gel patch are slightly different, and the cooling gel with a large area is faster. Use a ruler to measure the length and width of the cooling gel patch, and calculate the area, and the larger the area, the higher the score.

03. Composition analysis

The more volatile substances contained, the better the cooling effect is generally.

04. Material comparison

The skin of infants and young children is very delicate, and the baby's fever is due to the fact that the heat produced in the body is greater than the heat dissipation. The skin dissipates heat quickly, and the high fever will naturally come down. If the air permeability of the material is not good, it will not only affect the cooling effect, but may also damage the baby's skin. So choose a high-quality baby fever cooling gel patch to be cautious and cautious.、
