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Does Natural Anti-Smoke Patch Work and How Does it Work?

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 04 29,2022

01. What is Natural Anti-Smoke Patch?

Natural Anti-Smoke Patch is a smoking cessation method that can be used to help smokers get rid of their dependence on cigarettes and is a nicotine replacement therapy to quit smoking with a high withdrawal rate. The patch has three main functions.


1. Quit smoking

Stop smoking patch can help smokers who are eager to quit smoking to get rid of their addiction from the physiological point of view, to prevent the sudden change in nicotine levels in the body caused by "withdrawal syndrome" or other discomfort, so as to get rid of the dependence on cigarettes.


2. Smoking reduction

For smokers who do not want to quit smoking completely, but want to reduce the amount of smoking, quit smoking patch can help reduce the amount of smoking purposes.


3. Substitute smoking

On airplanes, high speed trains, or in public places where smoking is prohibited, you can use anti-smoking patches in advance of the onset of your smoking habit, thus relieving you of your addiction and acting as a temporary substitute for cigarettes.


02. Can Natural Anti-Smoke Patch really help you quit smoking?

For those who want to quit smoking, the difficulty of quitting smoking mainly lies in the physiological dependence on nicotine and the heart dependence on cigarettes, often without external interference is very difficult to quit smoking, quit smoking patch as a way to quit smoking, can help to quit smoking, then quit smoking patch is really effective?


Natural Anti-Smoke Patch, also known as nicotine tablets, it is a patch containing nicotine ingredients, similar to creams, pasted on the body can slowly and continuously absorb a small amount of nicotine through the skin, temporarily instead of cigarettes, to avoid discomfort caused by the decline in nicotine levels in the body; as a result of reducing the body's dependence on nicotine, reducing the amount of smoke, the use of a period of time to get rid of physical It can be used for a period of time to get rid of the physical addiction of smoking.


As you can see, Natural Anti-Smoke Patch is useful for quitting smoking, but in addition to physical dependence, there are many friends who can't quit smoking mainly because of psychological barriers, and this psychological dependence can't be solved by using the quit smoking patch. In general, to really quit smoking, the key is to rely on your own willpower, quit smoking patch is only an external aid to quit smoking tools, if your own willpower is not strong, it is still difficult to quit smoking.



03. How to use Natural Anti-Smoke Patch:

1. Choose a suitable location for the patch and wipe it with a wet wipe to clean it.

2. Remove the patch, remove the smooth protective paper, and apply the non-woven adhesive surface coated with the preparation to the clean body surface.

3. Apply every morning after waking up, remove early the next morning and replace with a new patch, if you do not sleep well, you can take it off at night before going to bed and apply it again the next day.



04. Natural Anti-Smoke Patch stick in where the best effect

Quit smoking patch location and there is no special attention, as long as the body surface skin, stick where can, as long as pay attention to remember to replace each time can, more suitable to stick Natural Anti-Smoke Patch location is mainly the inner upper arm, inner thighs, ribs and other parts, stick in these parts are more easily absorbed inside the nicotine composition, and less hair, tearing time not It's not as painful.

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