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Principle and Side effects of Anti Motion Sickness Patch |Kongdy

Author: Kangdimedical

Date: 02 28,2022

01. Principle of Anti motion sickness patch

The principle of Anti motion sickness patch lies in the regulation of the inner ear function. The principle of Anti motion sickness patch is to be applied behind the human ear to reduce motion sickness with the help of the fragrance of lemon essential oil and the evaporation of ethanol and menthol. Through the skin penetration, it plays a role in regulating the body's nervous system, thus relieving motion sickness.


Motion sickness patch is a scientifically processed topical patch using modern transdermal slow-release technology and natural herbs, especially with the addition of super-penetrating agents. It is suitable for vertigo and vomiting caused by motion sickness, seasickness and airsickness, and has no sedative effect on drivers, machine operators and overhead workers. The effect is softer than oral medication, so the side effects are much smaller.


02. Effectiveness of Anti motion sickness patch


The efficacy of motion sickness patch is needless to say, people who have used it know really good paste not dizzy, but many people are curious about the time of motion sickness patch effect, the following old data network editor for you to introduce motion sickness patch can last how long? How long can motion sickness patch last?


03. Anti motion sickness patch can last for how long

Anti motion sickness patch is a small patch made from plant extracts such as peppermint, which is applied to acupuncture points to prevent motion sickness. It is generally recommended to use half an hour to one hour before getting into the car, if effective, it can last about 6 hours. It is important to note that motion sickness patches should not be used in excess to avoid obvious side effects after the drug has been absorbed through the skin.


04. Can you use motion sickness medication and Anti motion sickness patch at the same time?

Motion sickness medication and motion sickness patch can be used together, but it is not recommended that they be used together.

Motion sickness medication is absorbed orally, while motion sickness patch is a topical medication. However, motion sickness medication and travel motion sickness patch will have more or less side effects on the body, and the general motion sickness patch instructions also state that it should not be used at the same time as other motion sickness medications, so for health and safety reasons, it is best not to use them at the same time.


05. What to pay attention to when using Anti motion sickness patch

1, children under 6 years of age, pregnant women, nursing mothers, glaucoma, scopolamine allergy, severe heart disease, asthma, and panel allergy are not suitable for use of motion sickness patch.


2, the motion sickness patch can not be pasted on the damaged part of the panel, and should not be used at the same time with other motion sickness drugs.


3, found to have allergies like redness, swelling, itching and other conditions, it is best to immediately remove the motion sickness patch, and appropriate to increase drinking water.


4. Since motion sickness patches are absorbed through the panel, they are absorbed slowly, so you need to put them on one to two hours before the ride.


06. How to use the Anti motion sickness patch

The correct way to use the relief motion sickness patch is to apply the motion sickness patch to the hairless area behind the root of the ear 1-2 hours before the ride, one on each side, and if you need to use it continuously, it should be applied behind both ears in rotation.

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