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Agency Recommendation and OEM Service for Motion Sickness Patch

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 06 17,2022

01. The efficacy and role of motion sickness stickers

Motion sickness disease plaguing a lot of people, even if re-developed transportation, the outside world again wonderful, a little motion sickness disease also hindered their footsteps. Motion sickness is motion sickness sufferers stickers savior, can alleviate motion sickness problems. First you need to know what motion sickness patch principle is that before you use it.the right medicine is the truth.



Although medicated oil can also treat motion sickness, but there are many people on the taste of the medicine is very resistant to oil, painted on the nose feeling spicy, and even some smoked eyes. Motion sickness Patch has a simple, quick, pain-free features. In fact, gasoline and other symptoms of nausea and motion sickness disease will only increase the population, the real cause of the root causes of human sickness in the inner ear, your inner ear balance of external incoming stimuli more intense reaction, the easier you carsick. Motion sickness Patch’s principle is that of the inner ear can be adjusted.



02. What is the principle of motion sickness stickers?

The principle is motion sickness stickers affixed to the human ear, by means of lemon oil flavor and alcohol, menthol evaporation, reduce body motion sickness response. Penetration through the skin of the human nervous system play a regulatory role, so as to relieve motion sickness. Learn the principles of motion sickness posted we will find that many of the side effects of motion sickness patch, motion sickness medicine is safer than small, convenient and effective method of prevention of motion sickness. Elderly travelers can carry, will not allow motion sickness hinders you from moving forward!



03. Agency recommendation and OEM service for motion sickness stickers

Then, as kangdi Medical Device Co. Ltd. What’s the advantage of motion sickness patch agents?

1. We can print customer's brand and the company logo in the top of the box and packaging bags, promotional customers better products and services.


2. We will broker market protection, we will not be selling the same product to the customer's market.


3. We can provide free publicity pictures, directory agent


4. We can help customers to promote their own company's website


5. For motion sickness paste agent, we can ensure timely delivery, does not affect the customer's sales.


Do You want to become our motion sickness patch agent? Quickly join us!