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A Guide To Quit Smoking Effectively

Author: Kongdy Patch

Date: 09 26,2022

The health hazards of smoking do not need to be discussed too much, and everyone must have heard of it. Frequent smoking is not only bad for one's own health, but also "disaster" the people around.

Today, I'm here to talk to you about quitting smoking. For those of you who are quitting smoking or are planning to quit but can't, this article may be of some help to you.

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Bad habits are easy to form, but hard to correct. This is also the reason why many people are unable to quit smoking.

You must know that after taking a puff of cigarettes, nicotine enters the brain through the lungs in 7.5 seconds, and 95 to 100% of nicotine users will become addicted. And just need to smoke a cigarette, it is possible to trigger nicotine addiction. For smokers, especially heavy smokers, suddenly quitting smoking will also experience strong withdrawal symptoms.

01. When is the best time to quit smoking?

"Now" is the best time to quit smoking. Many smokers like to procrastinate. In fact, quitting smoking in the future will not be easier, but will become more and more difficult. For a disease that is getting worse, the best time to treat it is now, or at least the sooner the better. If you often smoke during times of stress, it's a good time to quit smoking when you're relaxed. The best time to quit smoking is to choose the time when you think it is the most difficult to quit smoking.

02. Set aside three weeks as a quit period

Why take at least three weeks to quit smoking? Because it takes so long for nicotine addiction to subside. Once you decide to quit smoking, take it seriously and don't let it go.

Therefore, the life during the smoking cessation period should be pre-arranged as much as possible, and it is best to avoid such times as attending weddings, festivals and so on.

Does smoking need to be reduced before quitting completely? In fact, this is not necessary, reducing the dose may make you hallucinatory, and you are still thinking that smoking is a kind of enjoyment.

The caveat is, don't use any substitutes, don't hold on to your cigarettes, don't avoid smokers, don't change your life just for the sake of quitting. Face the quitting period with peace of mind. If you can do the above points, it is not difficult to successfully quit smoking.

03. There will be 2 withdrawal symptoms during the smoking cessation process

During the process of quitting smoking, many people may experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms, which are often triggered by two of the following:

1. Withdrawal symptoms themselves: Smokers will feel like hunger, empty inside, and feel that they need something to do on their hands.

2. It is easiest to trigger when answering the phone, eating, etc. Especially when dining with friends at a restaurant, you'll get the occasional habit of smoking a cigarette.

If you can overcome this "brainwashing" effect, it won't take long for your thoughts to disappear.

And within three weeks of quitting smoking, the ex-smoker may have the feeling that "the sky seems to have suddenly turned blue, he can completely get rid of the addiction to smoking, and can enjoy life wholeheartedly".

04. How to deal with the "temptation" of smoking?

Scenario 1: On certain occasions, when someone around you lights up a cigarette, you may very much want to follow suit.

Coping: When you are vulnerable to other smokers, remind yourself that there is no such thing as "just one cigarette". Smoking has a chain reaction that you should be proud to jump out of.

Scenario 2: Because one day I feel bad and need to smoke.

Coping: At this time, you need to tell yourself that you have decided to quit smoking because you have encountered a worse situation when you smoked. It's bad today, but if smoking only makes it worse, it will be better tomorrow.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to quit smoking, non-drug-assisted smoking cessation and drug-assisted smoking cessation.

Non-drug-assisted smoking cessation includes dry cessation, psychological support and behavioral therapy, acupuncture, hypnosis, support groups and individual counseling, etc.; drug-assisted smoking cessation includes nicotine replacement therapy with smoking cessation patches.

If you can't quit smoking "alone", the best way to deal with tobacco dependence is to combine drugs (smoking cessation stickers) and behavioral therapy, and you can consult a professional doctor for details.

Henan Kangdi Pharmacy Quit Smoking Sticker is OEM and processed by OEM. It adopts natural Chinese herbal medicine formula and sticks it on the corresponding parts of the body such as arms, thighs, and chest. It can quickly suppress smoking craving. Quickly quit smoking in one step, but quit smoking in three steps, quit smoking scientifically, improve the success rate of quitting smoking, and make you quit smoking happily.

05. Smoking cessation stickers are suitable for:

1. Old smokers with dark teeth and bad breath caused by smoking for a long time;

2. Smokers who often retching, phlegm and asthma caused by smoking;

3. The smoking population with reduced thinking and IQ caused by smoking;

4. Smokers with cough, lung disease and cancer caused by smoking;

5. Smoking males with sexual dysfunction;

6. Smokers with hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases;

7. Smokers with insomnia and obesity;

8. Smoking pregnant women, white-collar workers and married women who want to have children;

9. Smoking often causes "family conflicts" among smokers;

10. Teenagers who pursue fashion and show off their individuality.